
The court's dismissal or suspension of a bankruptcy case, or its refusal to entertain related proceedings, on grounds of fairness or in deference to another court (SA-Bankruptcy.com)

In certain circumstances, the court may choose to abstain from control of the case or of an adversary proceeding within the case.
When an existing lawsuit between the debtor and another party is being heard in another court and someone tries to bring that dispute to bankruptcy court, the bankruptcy judge may decide to "abstain" and allow it to continue in the other court. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)

United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012.

In certain circumstances, the court may choose to abstain from control of the case or of an adversary proceeding within the case. When an existing lawsuit between the debtor and another party is being heard in another court and someone tries to bring that dispute to bankruptcy court, the bankruptcy judge may decide to "abstain" and allow it to continue in the other court.

US Bankruptcy 2012.

Glossary of Bankruptcy.

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