- in personam
- in personam
Latin for an action against the person (SA-Bankruptcy.com)
United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012.
Glossary of Bankruptcy.
United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012.
Glossary of Bankruptcy.
personam — See in personam; in personam action … Ballentine's law dictionary
personam — /pɜˈsoʊnəm/ (say per sohnuhm) See in personam …
in personam — in per·so·nam /ˌin pər sō nəm/ adv or adj [Latin, against a person]: against a person for the purpose of imposing a liability or obligation to do or not do something an action in personam an in personam suit see also in personam jurisdiction at … Law dictionary
Argumentum ad personam — Das Argumentum ad hominem (lateinisch „auf den Menschen gerichteter Beweis“) wird allgemein als Argument definiert, das die Person oder deren Umstände angreift anstatt des dargebrachten Arguments. Dies geschieht meistens in der Absicht, das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Actio in personam — Die actio in personam ist ein Rechtsinstitut des römischen Privatrechts. Die actio in personam wendet sich als Leistungsklage gegen einen Verpflichteten und macht eine obligatorische Forderung geltend. Nach römisch rechtlichem Verständnis, das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
In personam — (in purr soh nam) from Latin for directed toward a particular person. In a lawsuit in which the case is against a specific individual, that person must be served with a summons and complaint to give the court jurisdiction to try the case, and the … Wikipedia
Ad personam — Argumentum ad hominem L argument ad hominem ou argumentum ad hominem est une locution latine qui désigne le fait de confondre un adversaire en lui opposant ses propres paroles ou ses propres actes[1]. Il sert fréquemment à discréditer des… … Wikipédia en Français
Argumentum ad personam — L argumentum ad personam désigne une attaque personnelle sans rapport avec le fond du débat portée par l une des partie à la partie adverse. Dans son opuscule L art d avoir toujours raison, le philosophe allemand Arthur Schopenhauer recense cette … Wikipédia en Français
in personam jurisdiction — see jurisdiction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. in personam jurisdiction … Law dictionary
jurisdiction in personam — Power which a court has over the defendant s person and which is required before a court can enter a personal or in personam judgment. Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S. 714, 24 L.Ed. 565. It may be acquired by an act of the defendant within a… … Black's law dictionary
jurisdiction in personam — Power which a court has over the defendant s person and which is required before a court can enter a personal or in personam judgment. Pennoyer v. Neff, 95 U.S. 714, 24 L.Ed. 565. It may be acquired by an act of the defendant within a… … Black's law dictionary