lien holder

lien holder
lien holder
The holder of a lien (a secured creditor) (

United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012.

Glossary of Bankruptcy.

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  • lien — a charge upon a specific property designed to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) A charge against or interest in property to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation. A… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • lien — / lēn/ n [Anglo French, bond, obligation, literally, tie, band, from Old French, from Latin ligamen, from ligare to bind]: a charge or encumbrance upon property for the satisfaction of a debt or other duty that is created by agreement of the… …   Law dictionary

  • Lien — For other uses, see Lien (disambiguation). Property law …   Wikipedia

  • holder — hold·er n 1: a person that holds: as a: owner the holder of a patent often used in combination a stock holder b: one that holds or occupies the property of another by agree …   Law dictionary

  • holder for value — holder for value: a holder to whom an instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for something of value (as a promise of performance, a security interest or lien in the instrument not obtained by judicial process, payment of or use of the… …   Law dictionary

  • holder for value — A holder who has given a valuable consideration for the document of title, instrument or investment security which he has in his possession. A holder takes an instrument for value: (a) to the extent that the agreed consideration has been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • holder for value — A holder who has given a valuable consideration for the document of title, instrument or investment security which he has in his possession. A holder takes an instrument for value: (a) to the extent that the agreed consideration has been… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Tax lien sale — A tax lien sale is the sale, conducted by a governmental agency, of tax liens for delinquent taxes on real estate. It is one of two methodologies used by governmental agencies to collect delinquent taxes owed on real estate, the other being the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax lien — A tax lien is a lien imposed on property by law to secure payment of taxes. Tax liens may be imposed for delinquent taxes owed on real property or personal property, or as a result of failure to pay income taxes or other taxes.Tax liens in… …   Wikipedia

  • Espace de Hölder — Condition de Hölder En analyse, la continuité Höldérienne ou la condition de Hölder est une condition suffisante pour qu une application définie entre espaces métriques soit continue. Si (X,d) et (Y,d ) sont deux espaces métriques, une fonction… …   Wikipédia en Français

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