
The terms and conditions under which the debtor will pay creditors' claims (

The Chapter 11 plan must contain, among other things, a division of the claims into various classes, a description of the treatment of each claim, a comparison of the treatment under the Chapter 11 plan to projected treatment under Chapter 7 (liquidation) and the means for carrying out the plan. Once a plan is proposed and a disclosure statement approved, the plan will be distributed to creditors for voting. The court, in each case, will set rules for the balloting process. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
The plan must provide for a distribution to the debtor's creditors of all the debtor's projected disposable income over the term of the plan. The plan's term is a ordinarily no more than three years. The plan must describe the treatment of all classes of creditors, the amount of the payments to be made by the trustee, and the length of time that the plan will be in effect. In return, the debtor pays into the plan the projected disposable income. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
Refers to a change in the terms of a filed plan. A plan may be changed by the proponent of the plan or the reorganized debtor before or after confirmation. If the modification is sought after a plan has been confirmed, the plan, as modified, must still meet the same confirmation tests as the original plan. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
Distributions made to the creditors in accordance with the plan. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
On motion of a party in interest, within 180 days of the order confirming a Chapter 11 plan, the court may revoke the confirmation if it finds it was obtained by fraud. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE (under Claim, Post-Petition) (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)
FINANCING (under Credit, Post Petition)
Under Chapter 13, proceeds due to a creditor after debtor's bankruptcy filing that can be subject to relief from automatic stay if not paid timely by debtor. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)

A debtor's detailed description of how the debtor proposes to pay creditors' claims over a fixed period of time. (

United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012.

CHAPTER 11 The Chapter 11 plan must contain, among other things, a division of the claims into various classes, a description of the treatment of each claim, a comparison of the treatment under the Chapter 11 plan to projected treatment under Chapter 7 (liquidation) and the means for carrying out the plan. Once a plan is proposed and a disclosure statement approved, the plan will be distributed to creditors for voting. The court, in each case, will set rules for the balloting process. CHAPTERS 12/13 The plan must provide for a distribution to the debtor's creditors of all the debtor's projected disposable income over the term of the plan. The plan's term is a ordinarily no more than three years. The plan must describe the treatment of all classes of creditors, the amount of the payments to be made by the trustee, and the length of time that the plan will be in effect. In return, the debtor pays into the plan the projected disposable income. MODIFICATION Refers to a change in the terms of a filed plan. A plan may be changed by the proponent of the plan or the reorganized debtor before or after confirmation. If the modification is sought after a plan has been confirmed, the plan, as modified, must still meet the same confirmation tests as the original plan. PAYMENTS Distributions made to the creditors in accordance with the plan. REVOCATIONS OF CONFIRMATION On motion of a party in interest, within 180 days of the order confirming a Chapter 11 plan, the court may revoke the confirmation if it finds it was obtained by fraud.

US Bankruptcy 2012.

Glossary of Bankruptcy.

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