mechanic’s lien

mechanic’s lien
mechanic’s lien
A claim, created by state law, granted to suppliers of labor and/or material to building projects, to secure priority of payment of the price of work performed or materials supplied in erecting, constructing, altering, or repairing a building or other structure; the claim encumbers the land and the building and improvements thereon.

US Bankruptcy 2012.

Glossary of Bankruptcy.

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  • mechanic's lien — see lien Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. mechanic s lien …   Law dictionary

  • mechanic's lien — A claim, created by state law, granted to suppliers of labor and/or material to building projects, to secure priority of payment of the price of work performed or materials supplied in erecting, constructing, altering, or repairing a building or… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • mechanic's lien — ☆ mechanic s lien n. a lien on a building or other property given by statute to those who perform work or furnish materials in the improvement of that property …   English World dictionary

  • Mechanic's lien — A mechanic s lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property. In the realm of real property …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanic's Lien — A guarantee of payment to builders, contracters and construction firms that build or repair structures. Mechanic s liens also extend to suppliers of materials and subcontractors and cover building repairs as well. The lien ensures that the… …   Investment dictionary

  • mechanic's lien — noun lien to secure payment for work and materials in erecting or repairing a building or other structure • Hypernyms: ↑lien • Hyponyms: ↑garageman s lien * * * noun : a lien against a building and its site to assure payment for construction work …   Useful english dictionary

  • mechanic's lien — A lien against real property created under state laws that give a person who makes repairs or improvements to real estate the right to place a lien against the property if that person is not paid. American Banker Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • mechanic's lien — A claim created by state statutes for the purpose of securing priority of payment of the price or value of work performed and materials furnished in erecting, improving, or repairing a building or other structure, and as such attaches to the land …   Black's law dictionary

  • mechanic's lien — A claim created by state statutes for the purpose of securing priority of payment of the price or value of work performed and materials furnished in erecting, improving, or repairing a building or other structure, and as such attaches to the land …   Black's law dictionary

  • mechanic's lien — a lien secured on property, as an automobile, building, or the like, by the contractor who has repaired or built it, in order to ensure payment for labor and materials. * * * …   Universalium

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